Back or spine injuries are very commonly caused by car accidents. Neck, mid back and lower back are usually affected because of the absorbed impact and strong forces acting during car accidents.
Our urgent care team promptly addresses broken bones through X-rays, immobilization with splints or casts, pain management, and internal referrals for orthopedic evaluation when necessary.
Our physicians evaluate head injuries through neurological assessment and potentially CT scans to determine the best possible treatment plan to help our patients recover quickly.
Evaluating a hip injury typically involves physical examination, X-rays or MRI scans for diagnosis, followed by a tailored treatment plan which may include rest, physical therapy, or surgery.
We offer a number of treatment options for knee injuries and our team will rely on diagnostic imaging and testing to determine which treatments are idea for your situation.
Any neck injury should be considered serious and needs to be examined by one of our board certified physicians or chiropractors as soon as possible. If needed, we can also use imaging technology.
Evaluating and treating a shoulder injury involves a comprehensive assessment, often including X-rays or MRI, followed by a tailored treatment plan, which may include physical therapy or surgery.